Having a go – children’s photography
N, like so many other children goes through phases of hating having his photo taken, and then loving it and being happy to pose. But the one type of photography he does love is selfies on the phone, because he can see himself as the photo is being taken.
He has got an ELC children’s camera that I got him as a Christmas present a few years ago. It’s ok for a fun toy, but I have no idea where the cable is, and it’s not particularly intuitive to use. He’s never really shown an interest in taking photos apart from once at Cornbury where he just wanted to play with my camera. When he does, my plan was to get him a compact camera so he could learn on it, practise and benefit from a proper camera. As well as learning to look after a piece of equipment rather than a toy.
It seems that time might be nearer than I thought, because when we went to Badbury Hill to see the bluebell woods, he wanted to take photos with my camera. There was no way I was letting him near my compact system camera, but luckily I’d also packed my compact in my camera bag so I got that out for him to use.

N was really good at ensuring the cord was round his wrist (mostly), and listened to what I taught him about zooming in and out. I’m not sure he really got that but he’ll learn what it means over time. The big thing he needs to practise is making sure his finger isn’t over the lens. Oh and obviously holding the camera really still. I might have to teach him to lean it against something or himself to help hold it steady.

He took it really seriously, looking for different things to take photos of. Here’s some of his photos

Needless to say, he obviously didn’t find the bluebells as interesting to photograph as I did, because there were a lot more photos of feet, ground and trousers than anything we’d actually come to look at!

His interest didn’t last that long, but it’s a start. Maybe I’ll have a little photographer on my hands before too long? Or maybe not given that many of his questions are ‘mummy, why are you taking a photo of that?’
Are your children interested in photography and cameras? How have you encouraged them?
Try these other photography based posts:
I love seeing things from their point of view. We had a fisher price camera, but the quality of the pictures were rubbish. I try to let them use my “special” camera as soon as they want to because that’s what they have seen me using so that’s what they want. I had showed them how to put the strap over their head and helped them hold it for their shot. I also try to have their pictures printed so they can enjoy them more. He’s taken some great pictures there!
B got her own camera a few years ago, but isn’t really that interested, and is often too impatient so moves before the pictures has taken. However, she really enjoyed the scavenger hunt we did around the garden last summer and I enjoyed seeing the patterns she’d found that I would not have thought of.
My girls love coming out with me taking photos, they have got uet confident and get some greta shots. Mich x
I’d like N to be into it, but I’m not sure he has the patience. He flits his interest too much, but maybe little and often and he’ll learn as he’s going.
Great that yours like it so much. Means less moaning when you get the camera out.
So sweet that you’ve given your son a photography lesson, and in such a lovely setting! #MagicMoments
My son is only 2 but he loves taking pics of himself on my phone and the ipad! I hope he grows up to love photography like I do x #magicmoments