
Washing baby

I’ve blogged before about how N loves the bath, he’s not even that worried about shampoo and having his hair washed.  He’s started asking for ‘moo’ (shampoo), and thanks to swimming, although he doesn’t shut his eyes, he is learning…

Christmas tag

I spotted this tag on another blog (Something about Sofia) and thought I’d take part, because how can you not take part in a Christmas tag? Q. What’s your favourite Christmas movie? The Snowman is the film I just can’t…

Scared to sleep

N’s always been a good sleeper, even as a newborn he’d sleep to a regular routine (although in short stages), so whenever he’s woken or struggled to get to sleep there’s always been a good reason like illness. But the…

Staying away

Last week I had a couple of days out of the office and away from home on a European departmental work conference.  It was meant to be 2 overnights in Barcelona but was changed to be local to our work. …