
Our adventures out and about in the UK, on the farm and further afield.

Tornado playhouse

Tornado playhouse

*Contains affiliate links I was confused to say the least on Tuesday to arrive home and find there were bits of [amazon_textlink asin=’B00QGSMJV8|B00QGSMK5I’ text=’Little Tikes playhouse’ template=’ProductLink’ store=’bubbaandme-21|bubbandme04-20′ marketplace=’UK|US’ link_id=’1488c6cd-7558-11e8-8f91-5332916ee4a8′] roof on the lawn but no house.  Odd?!  Couldn’t work…

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toddler in the snow

It’s snow fun

I’m not a fan of snow.  Well, I suppose I am, as long as I don’t have to: Go anywhere or get back from anywhere.  That’s work, shopping, nursery run, err anywhere! Actually that’s it. Snow’s all very nice to…

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making friends at kiddicare

We love Kiddicare

My online birth month board is fabulous.  We went through pregnancy together, the trials and tribulations of birth, and now are sharing the development stages that our little ones are going through.  When we can, local mums and babies catch…

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