Thoughtful discussion

Miserable kids

Miserable kids really aren’t what you want.  Children, especially young ones, should be full of fun and laughter, excitement and interest. Thankfully N is a happy chappy and even though he occasionally has a bit of a wobble and cry…

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Night night

As I’ve said before, N loves reading so of course before bed we have to choose a book (or 2) to read.  Today we had Cock-a-Doodle Quack Quack which is a lovely book about a baby cockerel being born, but not…

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The Best

Chuckle chuckle.  Who’s the best in our household? According to the OH, it’s him.  He keeps trying to indoctrinate N by telling him ‘Dad’s Best’ in the hope that N will repeat it back. Unfortunately it seems to be failing….

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