Family life

Laid back mums

There’s been a lot of talk recently about different types of mums and their impact on their children as they grow up.  I’d read an article in the latest Mother & Baby magazine about laid back mums having more independent…

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Christmas tag

I spotted this tag on another blog (Something about Sofia) and thought I’d take part, because how can you not take part in a Christmas tag? Q. What’s your favourite Christmas movie? The Snowman is the film I just can’t…

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Staying away

Last week I had a couple of days out of the office and away from home on a European departmental work conference.  It was meant to be 2 overnights in Barcelona but was changed to be local to our work. …

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Well, I never knew how much conjunctivitis would hurt, but I hate it turn up in one eye during a meeting at work.  I just thought it was dry eye to begin with, but then it felt like it swelled,…

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nativity set

Nativity sets

Christmas is coming to our household (in mind if not in actual visual siting), and I’ve been trying to locate a nice traditional nativity set that N can grow up with.  When we were children, my mum had a lovely…

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