Thoughtful discussion

Cheap ride

Before I had a child, I always pitied the parents in shopping centres having to drag their screaming kids away from the pay character rides they have wherever you turn.  The children wanting to have another go, the parent needing…

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Mine and My

N’s at the amusing stage where everything’s ‘mine’. It’s always ‘MY this’, ‘My that’ or ‘MINE’ all said above normal volume. It can be a bit annoying when items clearly aren’t his, or if he’s taking offence to other children…

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Arty play

Today’s been a funny day.  Initially I had plans to take N to the nearby National Trust place for an Easter Egg hunt or swimming to make up for having no swimming for a few weeks, but morning plans failed…

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Toddler chores

N’s big on toddler chores at the moment.  He loves helping out; getting used to helping doing things round the house (however unhelpfully at the moment) may (fingers crossed) mean he’s more willing to help when he’s older. So far…

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