Family life

Everything family oriented on bubbablue and me, parenting, milestones, children, growing up

Noisy sleeper

Good god, N’s a noisy sleeper. On our recent road trip he was in a different room for the first two nights, but on the last two he was in a big family room with me.  We stayed at my…

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Little dancer

Little dancer

Every development toddler email newsletter I receive seems to have mentioned that this is the stage where toddlers are on the move (mmm, think we’ve had that stage for a while, although running is definitely a favourite at the moment)….

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Bye Bye – new words

Bye Bye – new words

“Bye” is N’s current favourite word.  His vocabulary’s growing gradually, still obsessing with animals and their noises, but he loves saying “bye” and waving as he leaves places.   (Waving to say hello is also popular, but less so). It…

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Words words words

N’s always been a bit of a chatty one, although it’s so far been more jabbering to himself than many discernable words.  He’s getting there, although is showing little want to actually make an effort to copy specific words people…

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