Family life

Everything family oriented on bubbablue and me, parenting, milestones, children, growing up

New Tricks

New Tricks

We’re rapidly approaching a year old (well in a few weeks time), and N’s been practising some of his new favourite tricks.  I love the way he just practises over and over again a though he’s so excited that he…

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Oh Christmas tree

Oh Christmas tree

If you’re a regular reader, you’ll know that I was struggling to get agreement to put the christmas tree up…excuses given mainly revolved around “it’s dangerous with a nearly one year old”. Thankfully, after a lot of moaning and hints…

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Flirting baby

My boy’s a flirt.  Even when he’s ill (which he’s been this weekend). He loves people and has always been a smiler; whenever we’re out and about, I’ll see people smiling and talking to him across the room, and when…

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