
Advent calendar

Advent calendar

I think N’s getting into Christmas already even though he doesn’t know what it’s really about. I bought a fabric advent calendar in the sales last year (was going to make one, but this was easier and probably cheaper!), and…

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nativity set

Nativity sets

Christmas is coming to our household (in mind if not in actual visual siting), and I’ve been trying to locate a nice traditional nativity set that N can grow up with.  When we were children, my mum had a lovely…

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Easter bonnets and costumes

Easter and more

We celebrated Easter two weekends in a row…let’s face it, where chocolate’s involved that’s not a bad thing! The weekend before, we hosted our latest NCT group get together.  It was great to see everyone again as we only have…

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Oh Christmas tree

Oh Christmas tree

If you’re a regular reader, you’ll know that I was struggling to get agreement to put the christmas tree up…excuses given mainly revolved around “it’s dangerous with a nearly one year old”. Thankfully, after a lot of moaning and hints…

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