Search Results for: christmas

Food grabber

I reckon I’ve probably established for everyone reading that N likes his food. So much so, that he’s started getting a bit sly about getting hold of it. First, I’d find him opening his cupboard door in the kitchen…where his…

Tractor collection

Tractor toys

As previously said, we’re big fans of tractors in this house. Well maybe not myself, but definitely N and the OH.  Obvious really given the OH’s a farmer, and being a boy who loves wheels, there’s not much chance of…

Changing rooms

Now N’s two, it’s time for him to move up a room at nursery from Ducklings to Ducks (love their terminology!).  He’s been doing his settling in the last couple of days and it’s gone really well. I think he…


N doesn’t really have chocolate much.  Pudding of some sort every day, cake a lot more frequently that I’d ever have had as a child, and lots of fruit, but chocolate less so. It’s amazing how quickly children decide they…

Cheese fiend

Toddlers obviously go through phases of liking and disliking foods.  And lunch is really hard to get variety into them when you want it to be quick, and fit in with what’s easy for the rest of the family.  We…